Our Services

What service is right for you?

We have a variety of services and packages to match your stage and pace of growth from a fully self-service offering to a bespoke, highly supported offering.

We have designed a number of different packages to cater for different needs and budgets - book a call or watch the video below - 'How do you Choose?

All packages can be paid monthly

Online; self-service


Online coaching course on investor readiness

20+ video seminars

How to guides

Lifetime Access

Seed Package


Online Package plus....

Templates for investor documents

How To Guides plus coaching support on how to activate them

Coaching Calls (Masterclass group format) - fortnightly

16 weeks

Investor Readiness Coaching


Basic Package plus...

Coaching Calls 1-2-1 - fortnightly

Investor Matching

Financial Modeling - basic

Comparable Deals Analysis

Exit Analysis

Pitch Practice

eSignposting to pitching platforms

Trusted Partners - Signposting to Legal and Professional Advice

Funding Search - grants & loans

Guide; 16 weeks

Investor Readiness Premium


Standard Package plus....

Coaching Calls - weekly

WhatsApp Support

Financial Modeling - advanced

Valuation - calculations and support

Pitch Deck Design review and alterations

Investor Documents Branding

Pitching Event

Guide: 16 weeks (plus extra month Advisory and Coaching)

Helping you meet the RIGHT investors

Before you start pinging your deck to everybody with 'investor' or 'VC' after their name - PAUSE

Lets make sure you are ready to talk with investors - all your information needs to be solid - it needs to make a good impression

Let's work out who 'The Perfect Investor' would be for you and your business. Then we can build a target list and THEN you can connect in a more engaging way - developing relationships - this will take time!

We also manage a number of pitching events throughout the year or we could arrange a bespoke event.

What client say about us

I am a pre-seed fashion startup founder based in London. When I met Finlay through LinkedIn, I had just graduated from my university with zero experience in setting up and running a business. I was at the stage of "young and clueless."


Cara (Yingying) Song

Fashion Entrepreneur

I have been lucky enough to be mentored by Finlay.His mentorship goes above and beyond.

Working with Finlay puts you at ease, his friendly proactive attitude has helped me in various ways.

Finlay's active role within his membership program has included finding our company opportunities with investors who are aligned with my interests.


Steph C

Director at Authentic

Raising Expert is a trading name of REXP Ltd


86-90 Paul St,



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+44 (0)7360 497488

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